Know Before You Go: Construction on the Van Buren Bridge may result in heavy traffic at rush hour. Click here to learn more.

Visit Corvallis Membership (2024-2025)

Visit Corvallis has approximately 70 members in the Corvallis and Benton County area.

You invest in Corvallis and Benton County when you invest in a Visit Corvallis membership. Be part of something bigger as 722,390 overnight travelers make their way here, spending an estimated $162 million in Benton County per year.

Your membership allows us to attend more trade shows to promote your business and bring in more visitors, create more things for locals and visitors to do such as the Mid-Willamette Valley Sip Trip, Corvallis Mural Scavenger Hunt and Mid-Willamette Valley Food Trail, and connect and pitch partner stories to regional and national media and host travel writers and influencers.

Members receive a 20% discount on Visitor Guide advertising. We distribute 20,000 visitor guides and 5,000 destination maps with points of interest per year. Also, members are entitled to value adds with select partners. Members with visitor-facing organizations can contact Visit Corvallis to have a one-time professional photo shoot done. The business will receive 4 to 5 photos for its use. The Willamette Valley Visitors Association and Travel Oregon will also share these photos.

Benton County lodging partners can receive leads from convention, sports, group solicitation and send materials to be distributed at various trade shows and networking opportunities to increase awareness.

Lodging members are listed in the Visitor Guide, and they receive discounted rates. Members can also connect with locals and visitors through our e-newsletter and website.

Membership for non-hotels and motel partners is $75 annually.

Membership for hotels and motels is $4 per room for non-leads partners and $5 per room for sales leads partners.

Learn more about the benefits of being a Visit Corvallis member and how to join.

Showing results 1 to 12 of 77

This page was last updated on Feb. 14, 2024.

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113 SW 3rd Street, Alley Suite 101
Corvallis, OR 97333
(Entrance facing 2nd St public parking lot)
800-334-8118 | 541-757-1544
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Closed Saturdays and Sundays