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Marci Sischo | 10/18/2021 | Arts and Culture

Get out of the cold and tour art galleries in Corvallis!

When our seasonal cold weather and rain arrive in the Willamette Valley plenty of us still get outdoors and hit the trails, but some of us are on the hunt for some fun indoor activities. One fun thing to do in Corvallis that'll get you indoors is to tour our local art galleries. We have quite a few!

Downtown Corvallis boasts several art galleries and artist studios that display artwork, and many of our local shops and businesses display artwork from local artists, as well. It's easy to spend an afternoon browsing different art galleries in and around Corvallis.

Here's a quick listing of four of our bigger art galleries (below) to get you started, and you can find a more complete listing on our Arts & Culture web page.

1. Art in the Valley

Art in the Valley is a cooperative gallery operated by artists from the Willamette Valley. Originally featuring floral artwork, it was established in the nearby town of Toledo, Oregon in 1991. The cooperative relocated to Corvallis and expanded into a comprehensive gallery featuring some of the finest artwork in the area.

2. Fairbanks Gallery

Fairbanks Gallery of Art is Oregon State University’s professional art gallery. Its mission is to initiate, produce, and present scholarly visual art exhibitions to advance contact and dialogue with original works of art as an indispensable part of liberal art education.

3. The Arts Center

The Arts Center has new exhibits monthly, featuring a wide variety of artists from Corvallis as well as regional artists. They showcase art displays that encompass many formats from wood to glass, ceramic to oil paints, and more.

4. Giustina Gallery

Giustina Gallery is located in the heart of the LaSells Stewart Center and is the largest art gallery in the Willamette Valley. It proudly hosts upwards of 12 exhibits annually, featuring art of all mediums and representing local, regional, and international visual artists.

Featured Photo: The Arts Center, by Reed Lane Photography. Keep up with Corvallis news, events and happenings by signing up for our email newsletter.

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Corvallis, OR 97333
(Entrance facing 2nd St public parking lot)
800-334-8118 | 541-757-1544
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
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