The Corvallis Spring Roll is a community bike and trike ride and cycle fair just for kids.
The Spring Roll is a fun place for kids to experience the thrill of riding independently in a safe and exciting environment. This is not a race - kids are rewarded for participation and effort. Raffle and door prizes abound.
The goal is to introduce and encourage cycling as a fun, safe and healthy activity for kids throughout their lives and to promote active lifestyles for kids, safe bicycling habits and community livability.
The Cycle Fair is open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. It's free and open to the public.
The accompanying Road Ride runs 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and paid registration is required. Registration is $10 per child or a maximum of $25 per family online prior to May 30. After May 30 registration is $15 per child or a maximum of $35 per family. Scholarships are available on the day of the event.
For complete information and to register, visit